Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Why Not #1 Segway Tour around Tempe Town Lake.

I decided against going in drugged on pain killers and if I fell or went into the lake or if I twisted my back wrong, well then I decided to just cry like a baby. Fortunately, nothing major went wrong at all.

In the beginning I was like a scared wobbly little duck but I got used to it and was fine. I really didn’t want to hurt my back worse, so in the beginning I probably could have walked faster. However, the instructor was very supportive and could tell that I was nervous. She told me “well it’s like riding a bike, you ride a bike, right?” and I said “nope.” Then she said “well it’s really like skiing, you’ve been skiing, right?” and I said “nope.” Then she finally said “you’ll be ok.” J

Apparently you control the thing with your feet so my back was safe! You stand on two paddles, you center yourself then shift your weight forward to go and sit back on your heels to slow down and stop or you can do a “booty bump,” to stop quickly… I liked doing the “booty bump.”And after a while I was swerving and speeding up and stopping and waving at people like I was Miss America and having an awesome time.

Can’t wait til I go again! My instructor said she’d take me on harder dirt roads and hills. So awesome!

AND my Segway was PINK! Meant to be awesome I say!

So MY conclusions...
1. Segways are not hard to drive.

2. I want a Segway.

3. If this is the begining... I'm gonna have fun!


How do you ride a Segway? (well at least what I learned... in 5 steps)

1. The first step is getting on the darn thing, which in my opinion, is the hardest part. You grab the handle bars so that they are straight up and even (easier if you do it with one hand and use the other to catch yourself in case you fall on your face). Then you step onto the Segway, keeping it level.
    *It'll feel like those straight escalators at the airport.

2. While on the Segway keep your arms and legs loose, with your knees slightly bent (if you are tense you'll go home tense and in need of a massage).

3. The Segway moves by shifting your weight on your feet. Lean forward to move forward and lean backwards to slow down. I kept one knee bent and the other more straight to control the speed better... I'm a chicken sometimes.

4. To turn you turn the steering grip like a steering wheel to turn while you ride. Itmakes you go all swervy, which is the fun part.

5. To STOP you shift your weight to the center to stop... at least that is what I was told but it really only slows you down until you stop. To make a real stop use the "booty bump," you literally just stick your butt out like you are dropping it like it's hot and the Segway stops. J


Segway of Scottsdale: Tempe Town Lake Tour
... a little pricey but the ride was fun and worth it.
Unfortunately, I saw a Groupon deal for the same tour HALF price... sad day.

A Segway a day...

Countdown to SEGWAY DAY!!!

Thursday - Yeah, excited to rock a Segway... I've wanted to ride one ever since I saw one of my ASU professors riding one to class. It's next week already!

Friday - La-di-da, life is good... *slips on microphone cord* ... kill me now my back is messed up.

Saturday - Yay! Pain pills! Life is good again!

Sunday - Yay! Pain pills! Look at all the pretty colors! Mmm cookies!

Monday - I want to die! More pain pills, please!?

Tuesday - Segway day.... Pain pill label: "May cause drowsiness or dizziness. Take care when driving or using heavy machinery." Is a Segway considered... oh yeah I guess. *sob*

To pain pill or not to pain pill? That is the question.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

9 Lives...

Why the urge to try new things? Thinking about life, death, the universe and cats (or rather, life, the universe, near death experiences and cats) and though I've always been active these thoughts have put me in a carpe diem mood. It has also made me realize that if I were a cat I’d be in trouble.

So near death count down…
  1. When I was a baby my brother was playing peek-a-boo with me and apparently I fell out of my crib and on my head and he shook me to get me to start crying. Ah, brothers.
  2. Again as a baby I fell out of a car with my sister. Well I was on her lap and remember seeing the car door open and then moving floor. She says she took most of the fall… I guess I have to believe her on that one. A lovely earliest memory.
  3. While at a circus in Mexico a horse broke away from his trainer and charged at my mom, my sister and me. Fortunately the trainer was able to pull him back before we got squished.
  4. Rolled over on an ATC with my mom. Again a member of my family fell on me though she said she tried to twist and save me, so that is why she broke her back.
  5. Almost drowned in a pool… my brother saved me by pulling me out by my hair. No he didn’t jump in and get wet, nope pulled me out by my pony-tail. But at least he saved me, so I can forgive him for shaking me as a baby. 
  6. My father saw that a propane tank we had was leaking from its nozzle, so he told me to plug it with my finger while he went and to get duct tape. Luckily I was older and was able to read the label and figure out that it was a safety pressure release feature on the tank, in which it releases gas so that the tank wouldn’t blow up. I took my finger off of it and went inside.
  7. Car accident about a year ago. In which my mother was driving my car and we took out a stop light and landed on a very large electrical box. It was very Indiana-Jones-and-the-Temple-of-Doom-ride-at-Disneyland-ish.

So what’s my conclusion? My family is dangerous to my health and if I were a cat, I would only have a handful of lives left so I figure why not make the most of them. Therefore, I’m going to try everything I can, hopefully without wasting anymore of my cat-lives. But I figure I’ll be safe since I won’t be inviting my family members on my adventures…. I think it’s safer if I go alone or with non-blood relatives.